//Node AI dAPP

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Powering the demand for AI nodes and GPU power.

decentralized GPU and AI ecosystem, endless possibilities and applications across various industries.

  • Gaming and Virtual Reality
  • AI Model Training and Development
  • Content Creation and Media
  • Healthcare and Medical Imaging:
  • Financial Modeling and Analysis
  • Graphics Rendering and Animation
{ Nvidia }

//...Infrastructure provider

{ AMD }

//..Infrastructure provider

{ Accelerated AI }

//...Accelerated AI is Just an API Call Away

{ sdxl-turbo }

//...a fast generative text-to-image model that can synthesize photorealistic images from a text prompt in a single network evaluation

{ llama2-70b }

//...Cutting-edge large language AI model capable of generating text and code in response to prompts.

{ gemma-7b}

//...Cutting-edge text generation model text understanding, transformation, and code generation.



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...join the pioneers in decentralized AI